User Guide

Although the application is very intuitive, this document contains details on how to perform certain activities.


How to get started

You can start using this application immediately (skipping the steps mentioned here), but completing some preliminary steps can save you time during regular use of this tool.


Adding a missing thread line to the system library

If the GET!Threads app does not yet include the thread line you are using, you have 3 options to add that thread line: Request to the software developer, Download a new/personal thread line from file, Create your personal thread line in the application.


Find color codes (module 1)

This is the first module included in the GET!Threads application. You can choose a color from various sources (camera, image, palette, etc) and ask the application to find the closest color code among certain thread lines, or among favorite colors. Each of the chosen colors and their corresponding codes will be displayed in the list of results (you can choose several, and then view the list with all of them simultaneously).


Module 2: Convert Color Codes

From any color code from any thread line, you can find its equivalent within the set of threads you normally use or from another thread line. You can access the color code conversion module from the main menu or the quick menu. Once inside, you'll see a toolbar at the top of the application with the following options: convert a color code, convert an entire thread line, and thread line management (the latter has already been explained previously).


Module 3: Thread Inventory Management

This module will help you keep your thread inventory up to date and create shopping lists. Please note that the thread codes you can manage are those defined as favorite colors (see section: How to Get Started?). You can access the inventory management module from the main menu or the quick menu. Once inside, you'll see a toolbar at the top of the application with the following options: inventory control, shopping list, stock movement (coming soon), and thread line management (the latter has already been explained previously).